English Language & Communication

Prof. Sadhan Kumar Dey

Associate Professer and former HOD of English. Department of Engineeering science And Managment RCCIIT Kolkata

Memorable Moment with the homourable VC and Registrar of KIIT,Bhubaneswar, India


He has got Ph D in Humanities for his Thesis “Paradigms of English Language Teaching in Bengal” in 1993 from a renowned State University having collaboration with the Western Universities. Most significant parts of his Ph D work has got published as Teaching of English (2013) by Pearson Education, New Delhi/Noida. The said book has covered NCTE-approved English Method Paper Syllabi of 18 Universities of India. The book is used both as Text Book & Reference Book for Teachers’Training Colleges of India and abroad. He has got DELT from Institute of English (IOE), Calcutta which worked in tandem with CIEFL (now called English & Foreign Languages University) India.

For Collaboration/Research Supervision as Doctoral/Post Doctoral Level , in following fields :-

a. English Language Teaching
b. English Literature Teaching
c. Law Teaching
d. Digital Pedagogy
e. Language –Lab –based English Teaching
f. Indian Knowledge System (IKS)
g. Universal Human Values (UHV)

and for Keynote Speach of the above contact

Dont worry for contact i`m available

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